not a number – studio for 3D audio productions

Bauhausfest Dessau
Gelb Gewinkelt

For the celebration of Bauhausfest 2018 “Gelb Gewinkelt”, we transformed the historic Aula of the Bauhaus Dessau into an immersive 3D listening room. 32 speakers installed discreet in the room on different levels facilitating a 3 dimensional audio playback with very precise localisation of static and moving sounds in space. We presented several spatial audio compositions and the electroacoustic, spatial live performance “Trance”.

Our task was the conception and realisation of a 3D audio live performance in close cooperation with the musicians and dancers and curating and producing an immersive listening session. We desigend and installed the multichannel soundsystem and merged the Bauhaus Aula and Mensa to one big listening area.


Commissioned by Bauhaus Dessau

Credits: Falk Röske (drums, percussion), Jörg Naumann (flutes, sax), Hans Alejandro Blau (didgeridoo), Jonas Wiese (synths, electronics), Maximilian Bischofberger (live mixing), Ellen Wolf und Helena Kate Amor (Tanz), Simon Clément (production assistance) 

photos by David Simmons

Our role:
Conception and realization of 3D audio live performance, live spatialization, planning, installation and operation of 3D sound systems